Friday, 14 March 2008

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

While I was checking my blog last night, I noticed a comment from the Dodkin family about the pictures of Lewis and me. First of all I was really pleased that they had been following my adventures. Then, I read the comment more carefully. They seem to be a little confused about which one of the two of us is the most cute. I had it on good information that both Ellen and her Mum were intelligent humans with perfectly good eyesight. Hmm, now I am not so sure.

I suggest they assess their eyesight using the following chart:

a m
c .....u..... t..... e.... r
t.....h.... a.... n....l.... e.... w....i.... s
I am sure that this will solve any problems for them. If further re-checking of the photographs and my chart don't help - then they may need to visit this website. Glad to have cleared that confusion up anyway!

1 comment:

x_ej_x said...

So sorry Molly. Of course you are the cutest pup ever. But you have got to admit as human babies go Lewis is also pretty cute too.
Apologies for the misunderstanding Mum's eyesights not great poor OLD thing, i am sending her to specsavers at the weekend!!!

Love Ellen XXX