Saturday, 15 March 2008
Cat Attack!
School Update...
After causing a lot of trouble at my last class (and upsetting Mummy at the same time) I decided that it was finally time to take these classes seriously. So, this week I was the model pupil showing just what I could do (when I wanted to!). Everyone seems so pleased that I can sit down, lie down and come when I am called (even through a crowd of other puppies) which is great. It's amazing what pleases these humans... My mate little Lewis claps his hands and they go into raptures! I sit down for a treat and it's party time! Me and the little fella have got them sussed I reckon. I am pretty sure that Lewis could crawl around if he wanted to but is just delaying his eventual crawling for greater admiration.
Anyway back to the class... I managed to not only do everything as instructed but also held on to my wee until we were in the lane back to the car. This was met with even more excitement from Mummy, made all the better by the fact that Ned the boxer puppy disgraced himself in class. One minute he was practising sitting the next minute there was the definite whiff of poo around the hall. As soon as the smell reached our human's noses they all started looking round to see if it was their puppy who had dropped the bomb. It was soon very obvious who it was by the very red faced owner attached to Ned! All our owners were very good and managed not to show their delight that it was not their puppy. We all gave Ned a sympathetic look - could have been any of us....
Friday, 14 March 2008
Mirror, mirror on the wall...
I suggest they assess their eyesight using the following chart:
A truce...
I do think that I will have to watch out for those claws though - have you seen the size of them? I do feel a bit threatened, especially as my big teeth have yet to arrive. Probably best if we pets stick together...
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
My First Walk
Puppy School 2 - The Return
School was OK. Although I was SO excited to see my old friends that I didn't bother to do a lot of listening or learning anything. I did manage to sort out one VERY annoying problem though. One of the other puppies there, called Rufus ( I think) has a normal owner and one very annoying child owner. Now, you know me, I am happy to use my cuteness to good effect - I have even been known to use it to get out of considerable trouble, but this girl just would not leave me alone! Oooohh look at Molly.... She soooooo cute....... Arrrrr Molly is wagging her tail..... I was only thinking that all this nonsense was starting to make me feel sick when I decided that sick was the answer. In a desperate attempt to stop this girl's ridiculous fussing, I threw up. Not a massive yack all over her, just a frothy combo of slightly chewed biscuits and some yucky bits on the floor. You should have seen her face!!! EEwwww she said and got right out of my face! RESULT I declared and looked round at Mummy for approval and maybe even a treat for being so clever. There was no treat. Or approval. Just a red faced Mummy with quite a scowl! I think she was secretly pleased with getting shot of the girl as well but she had to pretend that she was cross. I am sure she whispered in my ear "Well done Molly, that's got rid of her!" while she mopped up the mess. I don't think we will be having any more problems from that little girl!
Colin (my teacher) did mention some things for use to do for homework. I hope Mummy was paying more attention than I was...
Failed plan - and more trouble....
Anyway, I received an email from my friend Livvy the other day and she suggested a great way of getting Harry into trouble. She said that I should get one of Anna's toys, give it to Harry and when he started to bite it I should go and tell on him! It sounded like a perfect plan so I crept into the conservatory and helped myself to one of the animal hospital vets - the blonde ones are definitely more tasty!
So far so good, but unfortunately as I was running into the kitchen with the vet swinging from my jaws by her blonde hair, I just couldn't resist. Just a minute in my basket having a nibble first wouldn't harm I thought, then carry on with Livvy's plan. Well one minute became two, two became three and before I knew it I had almost chewed the vet's head right off! Then I got caught.... I tried to explain that it was all Livvy's fault and that she had told me to do it, but that didn't seem to make any difference! You can see from the photograph that only the feet were left when I had finished!!
Oh well, no solution to the cat in the basket problem yet. Any more ideas, then please email me on
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Who's been sleeping in my bed?
What a cheek! I know I chase them, eat their food, paw at them when they are sleeping and nibble their tails when they are least expecting it - but this is taking things too far!
I gave him a good stare and tried to growl (failing miserably) and do you know what the great fluff ball did? Carried on snoring! I am not sure what to do about this. I can't sleep in both my downstairs and upstairs baskets at once, so I am going to have to come up with another idea.
I made sure that I had a good mouthful of Harry's food as I walked past later that morning. He just gave me one of those superior cat looks! Hmmmm, time to go off and think of a plan... Any ideas send me an email to Thanks!
More about school...
The class was great - I just had to do a bit of sitting and I got lots of treats. That's it! Nothing to it. We also tried lying down, which I can do quite happily - when I want to - but I am not sure whether I am very keen on doing it on demand. Humans are SO bossy!
I was planning a bit of a one dog strike where lying down on demand was concerned, but Mummy played her ace card and produced little blocks of cheese. No I aint no mouse, but give me a block of cheese and I'll do pretty much anything you want. I will make a note on the shopping list though - I am happy enough to perform for Sainsbury's Basic Mild Cheddar THIS week, but something a little more exclusive in future is most definitely required. And maybe some crackers for cheese, a pickled onion perhaps... a glass of red??? You don't get if you don't ask...
Tuesday, 19 February 2008

If she thinks I am trying this one, she can think again - no matter how many treats!
Possible England place?
Arctic Conditions...

Humans are useful after all...
Oh yes, and I went to the vets again on Saturday. All fine, just an injection, a spray with some nasty stuff which stinks and something about a bar code. I can't imagine why they want to scan me through the till at Sainsbury's, but I didn't bother to ask - humans and especially vet humans do some very odd things. Thankfully the vet didn't stick sellotape to my bum this time!
The good news is that I am going to be allowed to go out on the streets soon and chew my lead there as well! It will make a change from chasing my lead in the garden...
I know I am getting bigger but...
Bye for now!
Me and Lewis
Lewis and I have also invented a great new game. Its called Rice Krispie Catch. The rules are Lewis has a load of Rice Krispies (actually I think they were the cheap Sainsbury's 'equivalent') on his high chair tray. He then bangs the tray as hard as he can so that the cereal shoots into the air and onto the floor. I have to catch them and eat them up before Mummy can scoop them up and put them in the bin! It's brilliant, I think the score this week is Molly 237, Mummy 4. I think she needs to speed up a bit! I am trying to encourage Lewis to come up with some new games. I reckon chicken catch would be a fantastic game...
Anna and I have also started getting on much better, she seems a bit less scared of me these days. I love running round the garden while she bounces on her trampoline. I will try and get a video of us playing together on here some time soon.
Monday, 18 February 2008
I'm back!
Things have been very busy.
First of all, I must tell you about the success of my 5am scheme. Well, I should say the lack of success of the 5am scheme... It seems that Daddy has developed the ability to get out of bed, pick me up, take me outside for my business and then return to bed without actually waking up! He looks as if he is awake, he can walk and everything (although his talking is rather more like grunting) but the second he is back in bed, he is back snoring his head off in seconds.
Now, obviously this scuppers my brilliant plan to wee and poo on the carpet, but I have decided to come round to the idea of having a lie in bed instead. Looks like there are some things that humans have got right after all!
Sunday, 3 February 2008
A complaint and a plan...
There is something which I need to get off my chest though before I go to sleep. I have finally decided that I ought to go to the toilet in the garden. I am tending to get into a lot of trouble if I use the carpet these days and it is becoming more trouble than it is worth. I do manage the odd one - especially when it is cold or windy... The problem now is when I do go outside. Once it has got dark, there is a part of the garden that is in the shadow of the outside light - the perfect place to poo in private you might think.
Oh no, they insist on shining the torch

The one time I do really dislike going outside is first thing in the morning. I have barely had chance to stretch and finish my yawn and I am scooped up and taken outside. Daddy seems very good at doing this and I have failed to escape his clutches yet, so I have decided to abandon my 'foot in the wee' game for a while and embark on my next plan. I have started setting my alarm for 5am! I make a little noise, start walking about on the mat and up he jumps (not particularly athletically is has to be said) to take me into the garden! Then he glances at the time, groans, says something rude. I think I am starting to wear him down a bit... A couple more weeks of this and he is bound to give up this first thing in the morning garden thing and let me use the carpet. I will let you know how things go...
One final thing, I need to say hello to my online friend Ellen. She had a nasty accident a couple of weeks ago and broke her leg. I am very pleased that you are on the mend and that you have enjoyed reading about me training my new family. I know how you must be feeling, my useless Daddy keeps standing on my paws and it is really starting to hurt - the great lump! Hope you can come and visit soon...
That's me done for the night, I need to get my sleep so that I can be up and ready at 5am.....
Vegetarians look away! Just to prove that I am a mean, lean, fighting machine I have posted this video... This is what happened when a pink, fluffy sheep thought it could get the better of me! I think I showed it who is boss, although after my manic attack I was a little surprised to see it still smiling!
Equal Rights?
I thought that the sunniest room in the house, the conservatory, was off limits to us pets, until I looked through the window yesterday and found this!
I am currently considering writing to someone important about the blatant favouritism being shown to the cats. I quite like my little room, but when you see how the 'other half' live then it gets you thinking...
Why we need cushions...
First Bath Report
Well, back to last week. The bath, which you remember I was really looking forward to, was not quite what I imagined. I had visions of a fragant bubble bath, candles around the edge, maybe even a glass of something sparkling.... Oh how wrong can a little puppy be - it was nothing like the picture I had wee'd on from the Guardian's lifestyle magazine, oh no. As you can see from the photographs below, it was a shower for a start. Barely a bubble in sight either, never mind the candles and the drink... Basically all that it this 'bath' consisted of was a quick soaking with barely warm water followed by a shampoo - which wasn't so bad although the smell wasn't the best and then a rinse off. The next bit I was not impressed with - I had to have a second wash with some shampoo mixed up in a mug - no problem there you might think but I heard them mention poisonous and they wore rubber gloves while they rubbed it in! Now, call me old fashioned, but if they need to wear rubber gloves I am not sure I want it rubbing all over me! As if that wasn't bad enough, they then forced me to stand, quivering in the bath for five minutes with this poisonous shampoo all over me before the rinsed it off. AND the rinsing off was not exactly great either, the water was FREEZING! I am sure I caught some conversation about running out of hot water, but that didn't stop them - they just carried on with ice-cold water instead. I did show my displeasure with a wimper and starting shaking for dramatic effect. That seemed to work and I was taken out of the bath, given treats and warm towels. It was almost worth the 'bath' for warm towels and treats but not quite.
I am sure this makes amusing read for you, but I can tell you it was not what I was expecting. AND I am expected to have one of these 'baths' twice a week until I see the vet again. Hmmm, I don't remember noticing those cats having a bath, a quick lick and a promise seems to get them off. Anyway I must go now, I will try and write a bit more later if I can get to the computer...
Friday, 25 January 2008
I am so excited!
Just a very quick update before I go to bed. I have had an odd couple of days to be honest. The rest of the family all seem to be going out rather a lot and leaving me on my own with the cats. It's not too bad though because when they come back, they seem all guilty and want to play with me lots.
I have to tell you about Harry (the big black and white cat). He might well look like he has been in a scrap or two, but he is one cuddly geezer. He has let me nuzzle up to him loads of times and we have exchanged licks. He doesn't seem to be quite ready for sharing his food yet, but I am working on it. I'm not sure that our energy levels are quite compatible though - after a nuzzle I am full of energy and ready for a massive run around whereas Harry appears ready to slope off for one of his mammoth sleeps - man can that cat sleep!
Unfortunately there things are not quite so great with Max, the shifty looking black one. We were in the garden last night, and I thought he had climbed the conservatory steps as part of a game, so I galloped up the steps and grabbed his tail with my paw. That was not the idea of the game so I discovered! Max then got one of his paws and smacked me on the head, it sent me into quite a dizzy spell for a minute and I am sure that it rattled my brain! Must make a note not to play that game with Max again!
Anyway must go to sleep - still hoping to catch Daddy with the puddle game again, although he seems to have wised up to it already and puts his light on full and wears his glasses everytime he gets out of bed. I'll keep going though - he is bound to slip up soon!
One final thing - which is why I am so excited - it's bath time tomorrow! I can't wait to see what sort of trouble I can get into! Hopefully someone will take some photographs of this. Tune in tomorrow - it should be a great laugh...
Thursday, 24 January 2008
The Vet and a Great New Game
Yesterday I had to go to the Vets. Not the best experience of my life I have to tell you. First of all I was shoved in a cat carrying box thing. A cat box! Do I look like a cat?! Actually it was quite comfy, but I didn't let on that I thought so because I got treats for getting in, treats for getting out again, it would have been rude to spoil the human's game!
Once we were called into the vet's room I was met by a lovely young female vet who I thought would do me no harm. Hmmm, appearances can be deceptive. First of all she prodded and fiddled, poked and pulled me all over. Then stuck a great big needle in my neck. The trade off for this? A mingy looking biscuit which looked like several other doggy victims had licked and spat out. I ate it obviously! While I was eating it, they started talking about fur mites or something like that, and before I know it she is sticking cellotape on my bum.
Minutes later she reappears and says that she is sorry, but I have got these mites and that I need to be sprayed. Sounds fun I thought, silly Molly, no fun whatsoever. I was taken into a back room - which never bodes well - how come Daddy wasn't allowed to see this bit? I was very brave and the vet was lovely to me until all of a sudden I was being blasted with foul smelling liquid all over! I was then carried out into the waiting room, not exactly looking my best and carried out into the car. I'm not sure that I fancy going back there again, although I am sure that they said something about seeing us next month.
This smelly stuff on my fur made me stink for hours, I was getting fed up with my own smell! Apparently I have to have a bath on Saturday - that sounds like it's going to be great fun! I can't wait!
Anyway I must go, but before I do I must tell you about a great new game I invented last night. What you do is, wait for it to go completely dark in the bed room, sneak out onto the mat outside your basket, leave a massive wee on the mat, sneak back into the basket and then make a little whimper sound to get Daddy out of bed and then watch him stand, bare footed into the puddle of piddle! It made me laugh so much I nearly wet the bed! Daddy didn't seem to find it that funny. He used some words that I didn't know, but they sounded like I was in a bit of bother... I decided that I needed to use the big eyes, cute turned head strategy to get me out of this one, and it worked!! Within minutes I was forgiven and racing around the garden. I wonder if he will fall for it again tonight??
Enough for now - I'm very tired. More soon...
Monday, 21 January 2008
Progress Report...
I am prepared to compromise, and have split the number ones pretty much 50/50 garden and house, but as for the number twos, well I think one a day outside is plenty!
Enough about toilets - the rest of life here in Colchester is pretty good. I am allowed to sleep in Mummy and Daddy's bedroom (although not on the bed) AND I am allowed an afternoon snooze on the sofa - lovely!
The cats pose something of a threat. Have you seen the claws on those boys! The shifty looking black one (see video below) has got razors for claws! Now, my claws are pretty handy, but compared to Max's they are practically blunt. The big fluffy one is not to be messed with either! I had a closer look at him today. Harry is enormous - it's not all fluff as I first thought. He has definitely been in a few scraps in his time. He's got a tooth missing, one of his ears has a great big clip in it and one of his eyes has got a scar on. I know from my description that he probably sounds like an ugly fella, but he's as handsome as they come - he carries his war wounds proudly and definitely has the look of 'you ought to see the state of the other guy'!
After giving the boys a bit of a chase yesterday to test the water, I have decided to give them a wide berth at the moment. Although I have nicked loads of their food when they were out of the kitchen. I tell you, cat food is the business, much nicer than my food AND their water tastes better too!
I don't think I have anything else to tell you about tonight - I'm off to bed in a minute. I hope Lewis doesn't cry so much tonight and that Daddy doesn't snore quite so loudly - a dog needs her sleep...
Sunday, 20 January 2008
Gardens are cool!
OK, maybe I was a little hasty when I moaned about the garden yesterday. I have now realised that they are very cool! So much space to race around and so many things to get into mischief with!
Now you see me...
Having a snooze
Saturday, 19 January 2008
Slip up...
Just before I head off to bed - I thought you would like to see what the disastrous slip up looked like. I scoured the internet, and I reckon that this move is the most accurate depiction of what happened! I am lucky to have survived! Daddy is not hurt, so they all think it is very funny! I am not sure, but I think there is quite a dent in the patio where he went down...

My first trip to the garden...
You couldn't make it up! It seems that I have to go to the toilet outside! In this weather - in fact in every sort of weather! Well my new Daddy got in his coat - no coat for me you will notice. He opened the sliding door into the garden, scooped me up in his arms and marched out into the rain. The next thing I knew he screamed, his feet shot up way above his head (which I am sure is not normal) and the next thing I knew he had thrown me head first into the long, wet grass. He lay there, on his back complaining about his wrist or something while I just stood there on the lawn. Mummy raced out, not to rescue me, but to see if he was OK! Flaming cheek! Thankfully attention switched to me pretty quickly, but I have to say, if they think I am going outside again after that disaster they can think again! I will try and post a movie later of the bizarre move that Daddy performed just prior to throwing me into the garden. Not the greatest start! I am sure that my new family will work hard to improve over the next couple of days.
I'm home!
Anyway after a bit of a slip out of my blanket before I left, I waved my brothers and sisters goodbye and got into the car. The ride was quite fun actually. I managed not to be sick or wee on Mummy's leg which I was very pleased about. It was quite a long journey, but it was made a lot better with Anna singing along to the mp3 player.
When I got home, I was very impressed. The house was huge! No newspapers everywhere on the floor - lots of nice carpet to wee on. I didn't want to waste the opportunity, so I decided to stoop down and do a big one. This seemed to cause a lot of interest from my new family - very strange!
I met the human puppy, who is called Lewis. He looks like great fun and just the right size for me.

Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Now I am worried...
Sometimes I think it is best not to know anything. The second YouTube video I found was this! AND they have two cats... I am going to have to really work on this running thing! I reckon I am going to need to be VERY fast!
So that's what they are for!
Phew! One quick look on YouTube and I am one reassured dog! Clearly these cats are things to play with! Like a toy that is alive. I am going to love giving those mogs a real chase... And to think I was worried!
Private Detective...
Sunday, 13 January 2008
I'm only a puppy!
Humph! At seven weeks you human puppies can't even hold your head up never mind writing a blog! In fact the Daily Mail that I wee'd on not long ago said that eleven year old humans can't even write properly!
Bye for now!
Almost time...

It looks as if we will all be heading off to our new homes next weekend. I hope Anna has got my shopping list - I am sure that a Nintendo Wii will stop me getting too bored at home...
I doubt that I will have time to write on here again before we all leave. I hope my new family have a decent computer and internet connection near my basket... perhaps I should have asked for a wireless laptop as well...
Friday, 4 January 2008
A girl called Anna...
Anna was very nervous when she held me, so a decided to cling on very tight and hope for the best. They were talking all about when I go home with them. It sounds as if they are going to go toy shopping before I get there so I have lots to play with - that sounds brilliant! Maybe I should do them a list? Don't want them buying the wrong things. Let me think... a

Well anyway, they left quite quickly but they seemed very excited. It seems that most of my brothers and sisters are getting new owners this week too. The phone just doesn't stop ringing at the moment but I am glad that my owners got here first. I reckon its going to fun living with Anna, Mummy (I think I heard Anna call her), the big boy human and the human pupy. I wonder what they are called?
I must go now, all this typing is tiring me out and one of my brothers is nibbling my tail which is very annoying! I certainly won't miss that when I leave for my new home!
Bye for now.
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Strange Happenings...
Of course, instantly we all lept up, wagged our tails like our life depended on it and clammered to be at the front of the pen. Now, I personally felt like continuing my rather cosy kip, but every puppy knows then when prospective new owners come along, you don't want to be the one in the corner.
Anyway, they seemed very pleased to see us - the girl was particularly impressed with our cuteness, which we did our best to emphasise! I wasn't so sure about the man, he kept looking at our eyes and noses in a very suspicious way, and I am sure he had more than one glance at our tails and bottoms too! Cheeky so and so, does he think we are some sort of dirty creature?
The humans had quite a chat, and I am certain I overheard some mention of even smaller (maybe even cuter) puppies in the main house. This caused great alarm in the pen and we all agreed to go into cute overdrive to ensure we were picked. Several of us got a cuddle. I was bursting for a wee and hoped that I wouldn't get picked up before I had had chance to sneak into the corner.... Never a good idea to wee on a prospective new owner!
They spent some time admiring us all and then finally decided to go for a girl puppy - it was clear then it was a two way scramble to the finish. My and my sister were thrust into their faces and asked to choose. I did the big eye thing, and it seemed to be working a treat, but a glance over at my sister filled me with horror - she was doing the eye thing and turning her head to one side too! I thought about a cute yawn or a little whimper but I was stopped in my tracks when the big toy the gir

Before I knew it they were talking about cheques and cash and names and food and baskets and walks and everything! It turns out that they have decided to call me Molly. I kind of like the name Molly - doesn't sound like a name that can be used in a cross way when I have eaten their shoe....
Unfortunately, I can't go home with them for a couple of weeks, so I was back in the pen... Everyone seemed very pleased for me and agreed that as far as humans go, they looked OK! Maybe they will come to visit me again soon...
Right I must stop now, time for a snooze.....